The movie 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam' is directed by 'Vidya Sagar Chinta's as Vishwak Sen's hero. The movie, which made a splash at the box office on May 6, brought positive talk from the audience. Audiences were impressed with the tricky love story born between a Telangana boy and a girl from the Godari district. Vishwak Sen, who made his debut as a different character, entertained the fans with his acting. Rukshar Dhillon and Rhita Nayak acted as the heroines.
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The latest OTT update for this movie has been circulating on social media. It is rumored to be streaming on Aaha from May 27th. Vishwak Sen has a good craze among the youth with movies like Falaknuma Das, Hit, and Pagal. Another piece of news is also going viral as it will be streaming in the first week of June. However, an official announcement regarding the OTT date is yet to come.
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Before the movie 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam', there was a big fuss over the movie promotions. The Frank video by Vishwak Sen went viral. A lawyer has also approached the Human Rights Commission. During the debate on this video on a TV channel, a war of words broke out between the Anchor and Vishwak Sen. The anchor of the channel, 'Get Out of My Studio', spoke harshly of Vishwak Sen, but social media sided with Vishwak Sen. Following this controversy, the film 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam' received tremendous publicity.