Famous film director SS Rajamouli, who has set a new record at the box office through multiple cinemas Rajamouli's upcoming RRR movie is slated to open on August 13, 2021. What is special is that the film team is making Rs 500 crore through the right to release while the film is still 8 months pending. Estimate to earn.
It is said that dealers have come to buy Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam cinema rights up to Rs 348 crore. The South India release rights of Baahubali-2 cinema was over Rs 215 crore. Sources said that the RRR was in demand.
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In the meantime, the Hindi film version is 100 crores. In the confidence to earn. Foreign distribution rights have already been sold for Rs 70 crore. Together, all of this would cost the film crew an estimated Rs 500 crore before its release. The media reports that earnings are certain.
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Featuring the story of 1900s freedom fighter Alluri Sitharamaraju and Komaram Bhim, the film stars junior NTR, Ramcharan, Alia Bhatt, as Ajay Devgan.