The Kollywood movie "Master" is one of the big movies to be released during the upcoming Sankranthi festival. Directed by Lokesh Kang Raj and starring Thalapathy Vijay, the film is all set to release as a pan-Indian film with huge expectations. However, it is known that Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi is playing a key role in this film.
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Sethupathi is seen as a powerful villain equal to Vijay. Meanwhile, apart from the name of Vijay Sethupathi for the powerful role, the names of our natural star Nani and another senior actor Madhavan could also have been considered. But before that, the producers thought it was Sethupathi's name but it remains to be seen whether he will accept the role or not.
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But after that Vijay Sethupathi took up the role and cultivated it wonderfully, say the Kollywood sources. However, Ratnakumar, who is a big fan of Vijay and a director there, said that the names of Nani and Madhavan were also thought of. We saw in what range Nani performed in the movie "V" as an anti-hero. Even in such a master, the villain would have definitely played the role in his own style.